中国科学院大学博士。研究方向包括可穿戴心血管健康监测与智能诊断、生物医学信号处理、医学图像处理,2019年获深圳市科技进步一等奖,2021年获广东省精准医学科学技术奖、技术发明一等奖,作为科研骨干参与多项国家级(863、国自然联合基金重点项目、国自然面上)、省部级及企业横向科研项目。至今已发表SCI、EI论文16篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在IEEE IoT Journal (IF=9.936)、Journal of Medical Systems (IF=4.460)、Computers in Biology and Medicine (IF=4.589)、电子学报英文版 (中国四大学报之一)等期刊发表SCI论文6篇;在生理信号分析与处理、心血管健康智能监测领域,申请发明专利20余件,已授权10件。受邀作为IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、IEEE Access、Physiological Measurement等领域内多个期刊的审稿人。
(1).Jikui Liu, Fen Miao, Liyan Yin, Zhiqiang Pang, Ye Li. A Noncontact Ballistocardiography-based loMT System for Cardiopulmonary Health Monitoring of Discharged COVID-19 Patients[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(21): 15807-15817. (IF=9.936,中科院1区, top期刊)
(2).Jikui Liu, Ruxin Wang, Bo Wen, Zengding Liu, Ye Li. Myocardial Infarction Detection and Localization with Electrocardiogram Based on Convolutional Neural Network[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2021, 30(5): 833-842. (IF=1.014)
(3).Qimeng Li*, Jikui Liu*, Gravina R, Ye Li. A UWB Radar-based Approach of Detecting Vital Signals[C]/2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BS). IEEE. 2021: 1-4. El Indexed (H:10--14*)IE Indexed(共第一作者)
(4).Jikui Liu, Liyan Yin, Chenguang He, Ye Li. A multiscale autoregressive model-based electrocardiogram identification method[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 18251-18263. (IF=3.367)
(5).Bin Liu*, Jikui Liu*, Guoqing Wang, Fengfeng Zhou. A novel electrocardiogram parameterization algorithm and its application in myocardial infarction detection[J]. Computers in biology and medicine, 2015, 61: 178-184.(共第一作者)(IF=4.589,中科院2区)
(6).Jikui Liu, Hongyang Jiang, Chenguang He, Ye Li. An assisted diagnosis system for detection of early pulmonary nodule in computed tomography images[J]. Journal of medical systems,2017, 41(2): 1-9. (IF=4.460)
(7).Oihang Yao, Ruxin Wang, Xiaomao Fan, Jikui Liu, Ye Li. Multi-class arrhythmia detection from 12-lead varied-length ECG using attention-based time-incremental convolutional neural network[J]. Information Fusion, 2020, 53: 174-182. (IF=12.975,中科院1区, top期刊)
(8).Fen Miao, Zengding Liu, Jikui Liu, Bo Wen, Ye Li. Multi-sensor fusion approach for cuff-less blood pressure measurement[J]. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 2019,24(1): 79-91. (IF=-5.772,中科院1区, top 期刊)
(9). Zengding Liu, Jikui Liu, Bo Wen, Ye Li, Fen Miao. Cuffless blood pressure estimation using pressure pulse wave signals[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(12): 4227. (IF-3.576)